GARRY OAK A collection of information about the Garry Oak in text form from the internet for educational reading. =================================================================================== Yelm Backyard ==================================================================================== Garry Oak Ecosystem Typical on the southern reaches of Puget Sound country and further south are the unique and special prairie communities which may include our only oak, the Garry Oak. These grassy savannah-like openings occur in gravelly dry soils and are frequently associated with glacial outwash. Here rich meadow communities of grasses and wildflowers intermingle with massive oak trees which may be more than 300 years old. The Tacoma prairies, the Weir prairie near Olympia, and the famous mima mounds are all examples of this habitat type. Idaho fescue, Henderson’s shooting star, and the extraordinary blue camas create a striking blaze of color in the spring. The yellow prairie violet, the western long-spurred violet, blue-eyed Mary and the showy yellow balsam root are all common in these unique western Washington prairies. Sadly, these prairies are vanishing as a result of increased development and encroachment by Douglas fir. Other links: Garry Oak Restoration Project (GORP) Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team (GOERT) Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society (GOMPS) South Puget Sound Prairies -===================================- GOMPS - GeoCities Garry Oaks' Problems Garry Oaks' Problems There are many problems that are happening to Garry Oaks. Some are natural, some are artificial, but whatever kind of problems they are, they still have to be dealt with. Gall Wasps The jumping gall wasp is causing most of the scorching of Garry Oaks currently visible throughout the CRD. It completes two generations a year, one gamic, the other agamic. Trees damaged by the jumping gall wasp are readily identified by the abundance of small galls (look like birdseed about 1-1.5 mm round) on the underside of their leaves. These galls fall to the ground in June/July where they accumulate in immense numbers. The first generation of gall wasps, or the gamic generation, doesn't inflict very much damage on the trees. But the agamic generation provides more visible signs of damage. On severly infested trees, a premature defoliation of the tree is common, while on lightly infested trees, the leaves may only recieve chlorotic spotting of the leaves. The gall wasps' damage is not likely to kill trees in the long run, but the trees do still suffer damage. Scientists are looking into the problem at present.The best bets for controlling this wasp are its natural parasites which are on the increase, so don't use pesticides. Phylloxeran Aphid The oak leaf phylloxera is a small aphid like insect that causes midsummer scorching and defoliation. The tree will try to refoliate itself after defoliation, but after repeated years of doing so, its energy reserves will be drained and the tree will become weak. This aphid will eventually kill the tree if its cycle goes on too long. Scientists are also looking into this problem--call up your municipality and let them know you have an aphid tree. Observe any birds or insects which prey on the aphid; Natural predators are the best bet for controlling this insect. So, again, do not apply pesticides--you might wipe out the natural predators which will do a far better job of controlling the aphid in the long run. Scorched, Garry oak trees can sometimes be mistaken for dead, and sometimes are chopped down wile still alive. Gall wasps also scorch Garry oak trees. Other Insect Problems The winter moth produces voracious larvae that eat Garry Oak leaves. Fortunately, there are two equally hungry insects that like winter moth larvae. The acorn weevil and filbert worm consume much of the acorn crop. Small round emergence holes identify damaged acorns. Agricultural and Urban Development Agricultural and urban development has consumed much of the "existing" Garry oak ecosystems for the past 150 years. Over 95% of the trees that were living in and around Victoria have been destroyed because of urban developmentThe area that is now the urban center of Greater Victoria, once had several Garry oak meadows. Even constructing near oaks can cause their death, though it be a slow one. Non-Native Plant Species Many European plant species have invaded Garry oak meadows and habitats. One, important, intruder is the Scotch broom. It has replaced the native plants and changed the soil nutrients, and severly altered the make-up of the eco-systems. You may also be asking: Why should we save Garry oaks, and their eco-systems, anyhow? There are a few answers to that question. They Are Heritage There are many reasons why you should save the Garry oaks. One, very important reason, is the fact that they are heritage. Many famouse people have written about them. Emily Carr said Easter lilies were, "the most delicately lovely of all flowers...(with a)...perfume like heavan and earth mixed." and the author Bruce Hutchison has also written about them. Some people have gone as far to sya that Garry oak groves should be protected to "serve the whole community's spiritual needs as well as for themselves and the spirit that they embody." A problem, though, is the fact that some sities that have Garry oak habitats in them, haven't included Garry oaks into the hertiage by-laws. This greatly upsets me and shows how little some people care for their heritage. Native Plants and Animals Garry oak meadows house a HUGE amount of native plants and animals to Victoria and BC. Over 1000 species are related to Garry oak meadows, and one fifth of BC's rare plant species are also related to Garry oak meadows. Other trees, such as the Big Leaf maple, the Pacific dogwood, the Arbutus, and the Douglas fir, all live in Garry Oak meadows. Many birds also live in, and in some cases require, the Garry oak meadows. They are the: * Bushtit * Warblers * Towhee * Swallows (barn, tree) * Red-tailed hawk * Cooper's hawk * Bald eagle * Turkey vulture * Western screech owl * Common raven * Mourning dove * Northern flicker * White-breasted nuthatch * Pacific-slope flycatcher * Chestnut-backed chickadee * Red-breasted sapsucker * Rufous hummingbird * Redwing blackbird Many types of wildflowers bloom during different periods of the year. Ferns and shrubs also grow in abundance. Some of the shrubs are red currant, ocean spray, mock orange, purple honeysuckle, thimbleberry, saskatoon berry, snowberry, nootka rose, Indian plum, Several species of mammals and reptiles that live in Garry oak meadows, such as the garter snake. From URL: ======================== # Oregon White Oak Characteristics # Garry Oak Information # Tree Book: Garry Oaks ======================= Dealing With Garry Oaks' Problems Dealing With Garry Oaks' Problems Do you want to save a Garry oak community near you? Here are three easy steps to protect a Garry oak habitat, thanks to the Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society who provided them. Unique Garry Oak meadows and woodland form the natural habitat of southern Vancouver Island. They are one of the most endangered habitats in Canada. These plant communitites are part of our natural and cultural heritage and we all have a responsibility to pass them on to the next generation. You can help protect and restore the oak meadows by following some of the suggestion below. 1. Convert your garden into a Garry oak meadow. If you live in an oak area, you can restore the natural habitat by planting Garry oaks, associated shrubs and wildflowers. Garry oak seedlings and native plants are available at Fraser's Thimble Farms Nusery on Saltspring Island BC, and at Mosswood Perennials in Victoria BC. 2. Collect your own acorns and gorw your own trees. Collect acorns from a local tree in the fall. The more you collect, the better chance one is likely to survive. Be prepared for some successes and some failures. Poke the pointed end of the acorn into your garden soil and cover with a handful of leaves. Or you can grow accorns in containers. Choose a deep container-a 2' piece of 4" drain pipe works beautifully with a bit of wire mesh at the bottom end. Oaks send down long taproots, so the deeper the container, the better chance for survival when you come to transplant. 3. Let nature do all the work! Fend off lawnmowers, sprinklers, animals, and chemicals. As a rule of thumb, to guarantee the suvival of your native plants, allow the most natural conditions to prevail. After all, the've been surviving here for 8,000 years. Leave the leaves! If raking leaves is not your idea of a Saturday morning exercise, leave the leaves for nurturing the soil underneath. Or, if you must, rake them up in the fall for they make wonderful garden compost. 4. "There's no room for broom." Resist the temptation to grow exotic plant species around your Garry oak. An introduced choking plant, like ivy, kills trees. Broom, blackberry, and gorsde are also introduced plants and block out native wildflowers. Pull these species out in the spring-by the roots if you can. The natural understory of shrubs and wildflowers will grow again if you give it space. Remember, "There's no room for broom, and gorse is worse," and, "At Christmas make merry and prune your blackberry." 5. Protect trees from stress. Attach signs, clotheslines, and Christmas lights to your house and fence, not to your tree. There are enough stresses and strains on it wothout adding a few more. 6. Contruction can be fatal. If you must do any digging, trenching or construction near an oak, remember that the most vulnerable parts of the tree are the base of the trunk and the root zone within the top three feet of the soil. Though an oak develops a deep taproot early in life, later the most important roots are shallow ones. Mature trees tolerate change less and less (like us). Keep in mind, too, that oaks die very slowly. It might take 10 years to kill an oak after construction around its roots. 7. Protect trees in your community Take action when you think Garry oaks may be damaged or cut down. Talk to your neighbours, the municipal parks department, builders and developers about growing and caring for Garry oaks and native plants. 8. Locate favourite meadows in your area on a city and send the information to the Conservation Data Centre, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, 780 Blanshard St., Victoria V8W 2H1. The Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society is assisting in an inventory of the remaining oak meadows so that municipalities will take measures to safeguard these areas from development. About government intervention, well, there is virtually none. There was an event that was supposed help with the planting of Garry oak acorns organized by the Garry Oak Meadows Preservation Society. They approached the Federal government for soil and pots, but were turned down. The government refused to finance to project unkess the seedlings were purchased from a nursery. They were told that the government is not willing to help citizens collect, germinate, and plant the acorns. The whole project would cost about $53,000, and would include school students and communtiy members. It's sad that the government won't support community projects such as this. There aren't many projected plans for the future that I have seen. But I think everyone should pitch in sometime in the near future to fix that problem. Now, if you want to manage all those insect pests, such as jumping gall wasps and oak leaf phylloxeran, all you have to do is leave them alone. The natural predators are much better at eliminating the pests than you are (no offence or anything). In general, all you have to do is leave the trees alone. But some extra things, such as pulling Scotch broom, would be a BIG help. From URL: ============================================== Oaks from Acorns * Planting Acorns * Growing Oak Trees Each fall I see many requests on the internet for information about growing oaks from seed. I'm certainly no expert, and there are many ways other than mine that work well, but I thought I'd set up a page containing information on the method that has worked nicely for me for several years now. Give it a try this year and I think you'll have no trouble getting started with some nice little trees. The trees shown below are Q. suber, cork oak. Gathering quality acorns is probably the best way to guarantee a good start. I try to get them while they are still on the tree just as others are starting to fall. This makes it easier to get them before the worms do. If you can reach a branch and give it a little shake, the acorns that are ready will fall and you can easily collect them from the ground. Unless you can't find others, discard any that have holes in them. This indicates that a grub has bored through the shell and is inside munching away on the seed. Some of these will still germinate, but it reduces your chances. Collecting The Seed Planting The seed should be planted on the surface, about half-buried either on its side, or point-down. It's important to use a high quality coarse soil. I personally like to use a mix containing 50% pumice or lava, 25% compost and 25% commercial potting soil. This ensures good drainage and promotes good root development. For containers, I've found that large size styrofoam cups work perfectly. Their shape tends to make it very easy to remove the root mass when it's time to repot in the spring. Remember to poke a few holes in the bottom for drainage! If you live in a mild climate plant the seeds in the fall after collecting, then just place them in the yard. Where winters are severe you can place the acorns and some compost in a plastic bag and store them in the fridge until spring. After planting, protect them from birds and animals with screen or chicken wire. When the seedings are 4-6" tall it's time to root-prune and repot. Note: This page is mainly geared towards growing oaks for bonsai. If you are growing them for the garden or field, DO NOT prune the roots. Skip the next section and go directly to "Repotting". Most important here is stopping the growth of the tap root to promote good development and branching of the root system. Root Pruning Remove the plant from the cup and gently loosen the soil from the root ball so you can observe the roots to determine where to cut. The closer to the plant, the better. As long as there is a fair amount of development high on the tap root, don't be afraid to cut most of it off. You can see in these images that I've removed almost all of the tap root, leaving just the very top where there is good side branching. Oaks are extremely tough trees and they can easily handle this stress if treated correctly. Repotting Use the same general soil mix that you germinated the seeds in. Again, the coarseness and drainage are very important for root development. A one gallon nursery pot is what I normally use, but I've put the plants directly into two and five gallon pots at times and there is quite a difference in growth over a season in those. Plant the tree at a level so the remaining acorn is resting on top of the soil. It's very important to keep the plants out of direct sun for about two weeks to protect them until they recover from the "ordeal". After that, just put them out in the yard and treat them like any other potted plant. Don't fertilize for 3-4 weeks after repotting. Here are a couple of trees shown in their first fall. They were pruned once in August to encourage branching. Even so, you can see that they have grown to good size just six months after potting. ===================================================== Oregon Oak Communities Working Group Dedicated to the Conservation and Preservation of Oregon's Native Oak Species and Habitat Issues and Concerns Past Distribution in the Pacific Northwest From URL Dave Vesely, Pacific Wildlife Research, Corvallis, Oregon. The distribution of Oregon white oak has shifted across the Pacific Northwest for thousands of years as climatic conditions have evolved. As glaciers retreated from the region (18,000 to 10,000 years ago), spruce, fir, and tundra plants became established as soon as the ice melted. During the next 5000 years, the climate became warmer and drier, and fires became more frequent across the landscape. These conditions favored xeric (adapted to warm, dry conditions) plant communities. Pollen analysis indicates that prairies, oak savanna, and dry forests dominated by Douglas-fir and pine replaced cold-climate plant communities. Oregon white oak savannas probably reached their maximum extent at this time. Fires ignited by lighting maintained wide expanses of savanna across the Willamette Valley and southern Puget Lowlands. Pollen records suggest that oak habitats and other xeric vegetation eventually began to decline as the region became cooler and wetter. Forests of western hemlock, western redcedar, and other mesic (adapted to moderate conditions) plants became widespread. By about 6,000 years ago, the present climate and natural patterns of vegetation were established in the Pacific Northwest. In spite of climatic conditions that have favored the expansion of conifer forests, early European explorers and settlers found vast areas of prairie and oak savanna across the Puget Lowlands and Willamette Valley. Traveling through the Willamette Valley in 1841, explorer Charles Wilkes described the landscape as being "destitute of trees, except oaks". The means by which forests were prevented from encroaching upon the prairies and savannas was fire. Although the present climate has made lightening-ignited fire a rare event in the lowlands west of the Cascades, American Indians used fire as a tool for managing natural resources. Oregon white oaks are able to endure on fire-prone landscapes where other trees are unable to become established. The Cowlitz and Upper Chehalis Indians of the Puget Lowlands and the Kalapuya tribes of the Willamette Valley set fire to thousands of acres every year to regenerate the prairie plants on which they depended for food and medicine. Some of the most important plants were camas (Cammassia quamash), tarweed (Madia spp.), and wapato (Sagittaria spp.). Fire also cleared the brush from underneath oaks and made collecting acorns easier. A mush made from acorns was very important in the diet of these Indians. Some woodlands were deliberately left unburned to provide areas where deer, elk, grouse, and other game would concentrate, so that these animals could be hunted more successfully. Pioneers arriving in western Washington and Oregon during the mid-1800's were able to suppress the practice of annual burning by the American Indians. Since then, the wide expanses of savannas and prairie have largely been converted to agricultural fields, pastureland, suburbs, and cities. The few patches of oak savanna and open woodlands that have remained undeveloped, are now being encroached upon by Douglas-fir, grand fir, bigleaf maple, and other trees that can out-compete Oregon white oak in the absence of fire. The loss of oak-dominated habitats is recognized as a serious threat to native biodiversity of the Pacific Northwest. Threats to Oak Habitats Oregon white oak savannas and woodlands are among the most endangered ecological communities in the Pacific Northwest. Oak habitats face several serious threats: * More than 99% of pre-settlement prairies and savannas in western Washington and Oregon have been converted to farms, urban areas, and other human developments. * Valley woodlands once dominated by widely-spaced oaks are slowly transforming into forests crowded with conifers and shade-tolerant trees. Oregon white oaks are unable to survive for more than a few decades in such conditions. * On rural landscapes, legacy oaks that persisted on pastures and woodlots for centuries are being cut down as agricultural practices intensify. * Foresters viewed Oregon white oak as an undesirable species because no strong market has developed for the wood. Therefore, there has been no economic motivation to maintain oak woodlands. * Invasive, non-native plants such as Scot's broom, Himalayan blackberry, and false-brome reduce the survival and growth rate of oak seedlings. Invasive plants also compete against wildflowers and grasses that are associated with oak habitats, thus reducing native biodiversity of the site. * Park managers and homeowners do not often plant Oregon white oak for landscaping because of its reputation for slow growth. Conservationists and public land managers in the Pacific Northwest recognize the critical role oak savannas and woodlands play as wildlife habitat and maintaining ecosystem functions. However, most federal and state lands are concentrated in the Cascades, Coast Range, and Olympic Peninsula, regions with few suitable sites for growing oaks. Therefore, the future of oak savannas and woodlands depends upon the active participation of private landowners. The pastoral scenes that are common across today's farmlands appear somewhat similar to pre-settlement savannas and prairies. However, the plant communities and wildlife habitats on these landscapes have changed dramatically in the last 200 years. Dave Vesely, Pacific Wildlife Research. =========================================== Silviculture and Forest Models Team Oak Studies Planting Oaks Man planting oak seedlings.We have been conducting research to determine the best techniques for establishing Oregon white oaks. We have trials at Fort Lewis and elsewhere in western WA where we are testing fertilization at time of planting, weed suppression alternatives, irrigation, and tree shelters. In our trials, seedlings grown in solid tree shelters had greater growth than seedlings in mesh shelters or no shelter (see photos and graph below). Solid tree shelter Mesh tree shelter A solid tree shelter (left) and a mesh tree shelter (right) both prevent browse damage, but the solid shelter also acts as a mini-greenhouse. The plastic mats block weeds but are perforated to allow rain water to pass through. A net over the top of the solid shelter keeps birds from getting inside. Graph showing oak height growth in relation to tree shelters used for protection. During their first two years after planting, oak seedings in solid tree shelters grew more than those in mesh shelters. We are also: * Studying the relationship between soil temperature and root growth to determine the best months for outplanting oak seedlings. * Studying the effects of nursery practices on oak seedling root morphology, growth, and physiology (photo on right). Graph showing oak height growth in relation to tree shelters used for protection. How you can help: We have started a volunteer-based Oak Planting Survey. If you are planting oak seedlings, record seedling measurements and planting information on our form and add your data to our observations (we will remind you to remeasure the seedlings in the future). When we have enough information, we will summarize the results and make them available to everyone. You can request free tags to label your seedlings and can arrange to borrow equipement to measure seedling height or diameter by email: (or see team directory for mailing address and phone numbers). Download instructions and the form to record seedling measurements. [ PDF: 83KB ] For more information: Article in Restoration Ecology on planting Oregon white oak. [ PDF: 329KB ] People who have participated in or supported our research on oak regeneration: Lathrop Leonard Gary McCausland Hugh Snook Tanya Braumiller Dick Hopkins Cindy Miner Eric Hendricks Bill Wood Rich Wolfe Harold Hertlein Dan Grosboll Eric Delvin Pat Dunn Carri Marschner Birdie Davenport David Wilderman César Carrion Bill Carlson John Trobaugh Tim Crockett Nabil Khadduri Ron "Dutch" Klaassen Darlene Southworth Eric Beach Jon Bakker Richard Roberts Robin Dobson Nathan Lubliner Thomas Wurm ========================================= PUBLICATIONS Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana) To request copies of these documents, please contact Tim Mullen at 360-753-7725 or FAX: 360-753-7737 or email our contact. Please provide the information below when requesting a document. Pub. No. Author/Year/Title/Outlet 582 Peter, David; Agee, James; Sprugel, Douglas. 2008. Bud damage from controlled treatments in Quercus garryana. Trees DOI 10.1007/s00468-008-0287-7. 579 Devine, Warren D.; Harrington, Constance A. 2008. Influence of four tree shelter types on microclimate and seedling performance of Oregon white oak and western redcedar. Res. Pap. PNW-RP-576. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 35 p. 574 Gould, Peter J.; Harrington, Constance A. 2008. Evaluation of landscape alternatives for managing oak at Tenalquot Prairie, Washington. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-745. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 45 p. 571 Gould, Peter J.; Marshall, David D.; Harrington, Constance A. 2008. Prediction of growth and mortality of Oregon white oak in the Pacific Northwest. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 23(1): 26-33. - Harrington, Constance A.; Devine, Warren D. 2008. Pacific Northwest oak communities (brochure). Edited by Yasmeen Sands. USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station, Portland, OR. [Copies of this brochure can be obtained for free from PNW Research Station to distribute to landowners or other interested groups.] 570 Harrington, Connie; Devine, Warren; Gould, Peter; Peter, Dave. 2007. Move over, Douglas-fir: Oregon white oaks need room to grow. Science Findings. Issue 98 (December). 6 p. 569 Devine, Warren D.; Harrington, Constance A.; Peter, David H. 2007. Oak woodland restoration: understory response to removal of encroaching conifers. Ecological Restoration. 25:(4) 247-255. 560 Devine, Warren D.; Harrington, Constance A. 2007. Release of Oregon white oak from overtopping Douglas-fir: effects on soil water and microclimate. Northwest Science. 81(2): 112-124. 557 Devine, Warren; Harrington, Constance A.; Leonard, Lathrop, P. 2007. Post-planting treatments increase growth of Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook.) seedings. Restoration Ecology 15(2): 212-222. 544 Devine, Warren; Harrington, Constance. 2006. Changes in Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook.) following release from overtopping conifers. Trees. 20:747-756. 529 Harrington, Constance A.; Devine, Warren D. 2006. A practical guide to oak release. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-666. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Center. 28 p. 522 Devine, Warren D.; Harrington, Constance A. 2005. Root system morphology of Oregon white oak on a glacial outwash soil. Northwest Science. 79(2&3): 179-188. 497 Devine, Warren and Constance Harrington. 2004. Garry oak woodland restoration in Puget Sound Region: releasing oaks from overtopping conifers and establishing oak seedlings. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference. Victoria, Canada: Society for Ecological Restoration. 1-8. 480 Regan, A. Christopher and James K. Agee. 2004. Oak community and seedling response to fire at Fort Lewis, Washington. [Abstract] Northwest Science 78(1): 1-11. 459 Harrington, Constance A. and Melanie A. Kallas, comps. 2002. A bibliography for Quercus garryana and other geographically associated and botanically related oaks. [Abstract] Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-554. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 115 p. 457 Peter, David and Constance A. Harrington. 2002. Site and tree factors in Oregon white oak acorn production in western Washington and Oregon. Northwest Science. 76(3): 189-201. [Abstract] 453 Harrington, Constance A.; Kern, Christel C. 2002. Will Garry oak respond to release from overtopping conifers. In: Burton, Philip J. ed., Proceedings: Garry Oak Ecosystem Restoration: Progress and Prognosis, British Columbia Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration. 2002 third annual meeting. [Canada]: [University of Victoria]: 39-46. =================================== The Olympian April 24, 2009 One of my childhood memories is playing in the sandbox under the old oak tree. At least it seemed old to me. It was tall and thick and the playground to “my” squirrels as well as their restaurant during acorn season. The first limbs were way above even an adult’s reach. And if it seemed old then, imagine the rings in it now, decades later. Three thousand miles from Maryland, oak trees are scarce. Apparently the only oak native to the state is the Garry oak (Quercus garryana), also known as the Oregon white oak. It was named after a Hudson’s Bay Company officer, Nicholas Garry, who assisted botanist David Douglas in his Pacific Northwest explorations during the 1820s. While many trees are as gracefullooking as ballet dancers, the Garry oak is built more like a Sumo wrestler, with a thick, squat trunk. Its winter silhouette against a stormy sky could be a horror-flick backdrop. The gnarled limbs seem to stagger away from the trunk. The thick, hard grayish-black bark has deep vertical grooves. The narrower horizontal furrows create bark blocks in an almost mosaic pattern. Garry oaks’ niche is on south-facing slopes in the driest areas, almost always in Western Washington. Such prairies around the South Sound (Mima Mounds, Weir prairie, Fort Lewis prairies) developed an ecological community – a combination of gravelly soils, rich grasses, beautiful wildflowers, large oak trees and animals. The prairies’ acreage (and thus the Garry oaks’ numbers) have dwindled under development pressures, although there are organizations and agencies working to preserve what’s left. Still, it’s not like prairie supporters can plant a few thousand seedlings on what’s left of the prairies and revive the oak population. They are extremely slow-growing in their native habitat, reaching 25 to 90 feet tall. The oldest have large trunks. Some botanists say it might take 180 years to create a trunk that’s 18 inches in diameter; most are in the 2- to 4-foot range. The fine-grained wood has been used for furniture, flooring and structural work; as firewood because of its density and high heat output; as fence posts because it lasts much longer in the ground than cedar posts; and as shipbuilding material in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Garry oaks’ dark green leathery leaves are 3 to 6 inches long, wider toward the tip with rounded lobes, and have a thick yellow vein down the center. Its hairy catkins (male) + tiny blossoms (female) = nuts (acorns), nestled in scaly cups. Each acorn protects a single seed. The acorns are light enough to be blown away in a high wind, but most dispersion is courtesy of squirrels carrying off the acorns. These acorns are relatively heavy, about 85 per pound. For botanists with calculators, an acre of Garry oaks could produce 1,000 pounds of acorns, or about 85,000 acorns. Acorns were part of the Salish tribes’ menu. Before European settlers changed the landscape, American Indians were doing their own environmental makeover in the prairies and savannahs. Some tribes annually burned the Garry oak environment as a cultivation method for important food sources such as camas bulbs, and to keep out the encroaching Douglas firs. Except for the fire-resistant Garry oaks, the fires kept most trees at bay. Because settlers didn’t burn the fields, oaks had to survive the ax and aggressive Douglas fir and big-leaf maples. Now 20th century development is met by 21st century efforts to preserve the Garry oak’s ecological community. Only time will tell if Washington can keep a viable population of its only native oak. Sharon Wootton is co-author of “Off the Beaten Path: Washington” and can be reached at 360-468-3964 or =================================== Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook. Oregon White Oak Fagaceae -- Beech family William I. Stein Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana), a broadleaved deciduous hardwood common inland along the Pacific Coast, has the longest north-south distribution among western oaks-from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to southern California. It is the only native oak in British Columbia and Washington and the principal one in Oregon. Though commonly known as Garry oak in British Columbia, elsewhere it is usually called white oak, post oak, Oregon oak, Brewer oak, or shin oak. Its scientific name was chosen by David Douglas to honor Nicholas Garry, secretary and later deputy governor of the Hudson Bay Company. Habitat Native Range The range of Oregon white oak spans more than 15° of latitude from just below the 50th parallel on Vancouver Island in Canada south nearly to latitude 34° N. in Los Angeles County, CA. South of Courtenay, BC, Oregon white oak is common in the eastern and southernmost parts of Vancouver Island and on adjacent smaller islands from near sea level up to 200 m (660 ft) or more (47). It is not found on the British Columbia mainland except for two disjunct stands in the Fraser River Valley (28). In Washington, it is abundant on islands in Puget Sound and distributed east and west of the Sound and then south and east to the Columbia River at elevations up to 1160 m (3,800 ft) (68). Oregon white oak is widespread at lower elevations in most of the Willamette, Umpqua, and Rogue River Valleys of western Oregon (67,68). It is also common in the Klamath Mountains and on inland slopes of the northern Coast Ranges in California to San Francisco Bay but infrequent from there southward to Santa Clara County (29). In small tree and shrub sizes, Oregon white oak extends inland to just east of the Cascade Range, mainly in the Columbia River and Pit River drainages (29,50,67,68,71). It has a scattered distribution the entire length of the western Sierra Nevada south to the Tehachapi Mountains in Kern and northern Los Angeles Counties where it forms extensive brush fields at elevations up to 2290 m (7,500 ft) (29,76). {Native rang of Quercus garryana} -The native range of Oregon white oak. Climate Oregon white oak grows in diverse climates, ranging from the cool, humid conditions near the coast to the hot, dry environments in inland valleys and foothill woodlands. Records from 48 climatic observation stations within or bordering its range indicate that Oregon white oak has endured temperature extremes of -34° to 47° C (-30° to 116° F) (45,47,53,77). Average annual temperatures range from 8° to 18° C (46° to 64° F); average temperatures in January, from -11° to 10° C (13° to 50° F); and in July, from 16° to 29° C (60° to 84° F). Average annual precipitation ranges from 170 mm (6.7 in) at Ellensburg, WA, east of the Cascades to 2630 mm (103.5 in) at Cougar, WA, west of the Cascades. Precipitation at the southern end of the range of Oregon white oak (Tehachapi) averages 270 mm (10.6 in), similar to that at northerly locations east of the Cascades-Ellensburg, Yakima, and Goldendale in Washington and The Dalles and Dufur in Oregon. Average annual snowfall ranges from little, if any, at several locations to 417 cm (164 in) at Mineral in Tehama County, CA. Average precipitation in the growing season (April through September) ranges from 30 mm (1.2 in) at Tehachapi, CA, and Ellensburg, WA, to 630 mm (24.8 in) at Cougar, WA. Length of average frost-free season (above 0° C; 32° F) ranges from 63 days at Burney in Shasta County, CA, to 282 days at Victoria, BC. Soils and Topography Oregon white oak can grow on a wide variety of sites, but on good sites it is often crowded out by species that grow faster and taller. Hence, Oregon white oak is most common on sites that are too exposed or droughty for other tree species during at least part of the year, including inland valleys and foothills, south slopes, unglaciated and glaciated rocky ridges, and a narrow transition zone east of the Cascades between conifer forest and treeless, dissected plateau. Although usually considered a xeric species, Oregon white oak also commonly occurs in very moist locations-on flood plains, on heavy clay soils, and on river terraces. These locations appear to have two common characteristics-standing water or a shallow water table during a lengthy wet season and gravelly or heavy clay surface soils that probably are droughty during the extended dry season. The distribution of Oregon white oak gives evidence that it can withstand both lengthy flooding and drought. Oregon white oak grows on soils of at least four orders: Alfisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, and Ultisols. Specific soil series include Hugo and McMahon in coastal northern California and Goulding near Santa Rosa (75,78). In Oregon's Willamette Valley, Oregon white oak is found on soils derived from alluvial deposits (poorly drained gray brown Amity and Dayton series), sedimentary rocks (deep, welldrained brown Steiwer, Carlton, Peavine, Bellpine, Melbourne, and Willakenzie series), and basic igneous rocks (brown or reddish, moderately deep, well-drained Nekia, Dixonville, and Olympic series) (22,38,67,73). A subsurface clay layer that restricts water penetration is characteristic of soils in most of these series. White oak stands near Dufur in eastern Oregon grow in soils derived from basalt and andesite (32); in southern Oregon, they grow in soils derived from andesite, granite, and serpentine (79). On the southeastern tip of Vancouver Island, BC, seven soils supporting a vegetational sequence of grass, Oregon white oak, and Douglas-fir were gravelly loams or gravelly sandy loams that developed on young, nonhomogeneous parent materials (11). Soils under Oregon white oak stands are generally acidic, ranging in pH from 4.8 to 5.9 (11,75,78). Bulk densities ranging from 0.61 to 1.45 have been measured (73,78). Many white oak stands grow on gentle topography; only one-fourth of those examined in the Willamette Valley were on slopes greater than 30 percent (73). Associated Forest Cover Oregon white oak is found in pure, closed-canopy stands; in mixture with conifers or broad-leaved trees; and as scattered single trees or groves on farmlands, woodlands, and prairies. It grows to large sizes but is also found extensively as scrub forest. The best stands are in western Oregon and Washington-in the Cowlitz, Lewis, and Willamette River drainages-but stands or trees with substantial volume are found from British Columbia to central California. Dense dwarf or shrub stands of Oregon white oak, earlier identified as Quercus garryana var. breweri, and other stands previously identified as Q. garryana var. semota, form dense thickets over large areas in California (29,35,57,76,81). Similar dwarf or shrub forms grow to a more limited extent on severe sites in the rest of its range (57,79). Oregon white oak is recognized as a distinct forest cover type (Society of American Foresters Type 233) and is listed as an associated species in at least eight other forest cover types (20): Pacific Douglas-Fir (Type 229), Port Orford-Cedar (Type 231), Redwood (Type 232), Douglas-Fir-Tanoak-Pacific Madrone (Type 234), Pacific Ponderosa Pine (Type 245), California Black Oak (Type 246), Knobcone Pine (Type 248), and Blue Oak-Digger Pine (Type 250). Its prominence and occurrence in these types, as well as in several others for which it is not specifically listed, vary widely. Plant communities have been identified in parts of the Oregon white oak type. A Garry oak community of two types (oak parkland and scrub oak-rock outcrop), a Garry oak-arbutus, and an arbutus-Garry oak community have been defined in the Victoria, BC, metropolitan area (42). Four communities, ranked in order from wettest to driest, have been identified in white oak forests of the Willamette Valley: Oregon white oak/California hazel/western swordfern, Oregon white oak/sweet cherry/common snowberry, Oregon white oak/Saskatoon serviceberry/common snowberry, and Oregon white oak/Pacific poison-oak (73). These communities are floristically similar, being differentiated primarily by the relative coverage and frequency of a few shrub species. Five Oregon white oak communities identified in the North Umpqua Valley of Oregon were similar to the xeric Oregon white oak/Pacific poison-oak association of the Willamette Valley; a sixth was a riparian association dominated by Oregon white oak and Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia) (62). In California, four communities dominated by Oregon white oak were found in the Bald Hills woodlands of Redwood National Park (70) and three communities dominated by Oregon white oak or related hybrids were identified in a limited area on Bennett Mountain (75). The shin oak brush association, largely composed of Oregon white oak, is a distinctive plant community in Kern and Los Angeles Counties (76). The composition of Oregon white oak communities varies greatly because of differences in soil, topography, and climate, and in fire and grazing histories. Because of proximity to farmlands, many communities include introduced forbs and grasses. Pacific poison-oak (Rhus diuersiloba) and common snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) are probably the most widespread and characteristic shrub associates. Species often found with Oregon white oak are listed in table 1. The listing is not exhaustive; it just indicates the great variety of common associates. Species associated with Oregon white oak in chaparral communities and on serpentine soils are listed in other sources (15,16,79). Table 1- Trees, shrubs, and herbs associated with Oregon white oak in different parts of its range¹ Trees Shrubs Herbs Abies grandis Amorpha californica Agropyron spicatum Acer circinatum Arctostaphylos columbiana Agrostis spp. Acer glabrum Arctostaphylos manzanita Allium spp. Acer macrophyllum Arctostaphylos media Athysanus pusillus Aesculus californica Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Avena barbata Alnus rubra Berberis aquifolium Balsamorhiza deltoides Amelanchier alnifolia Berberis nervosa Brodiaea spp. Arbutus menziesii Ceanothus cuneatus Bromus spp. Betula occidentalis Ceanothus integerrimus Camassia spp. Castanopsis chrysophylla Ceanothus velutinus Carduus pycnocephalus Cercocarpus betuloides Cornus stolonifera Carex spp. Cornus nuttallii Crataegus oxyacantha Chlorogalum pomeridianum Corylus cornuta Cytisus scoparius Collinsia spp. Crataegus douglasii Gaultheria shallon Crocidium multicaule Fraxinus latifolia Hedera helix Cynosurus echinatus Heteromeles arbutifolia Holodiscus discolor Dactylis glomerata Juniperus scopulorum Osmaronia cerasiformis Danthonia californica Libocedrus decurrens Philadelphus lewisii Delphinium menziesii Lithocarpus densiflorus Physocarpus capitatus Dentaria californica Pinus contorta Purshia tridentata Dodecatheon hendersonii Pinus monticola Rhus diversiloba Dryopteris arguta Pinus ponderosa Ribes sanguineum Elymus glaucus Pinus sabiniana Rosa eglanteria Eriogonum nudum Populus tremuloides Rosa gymnocarpa Eriophyllum lanatum Populus trichocarpa Rosa nutkana Erythronium oregonum Prunus avium Rubus laciniatus Festuca spp. Prunus emarginata Rubus parviflorus Fritillaria lanceolata Prunus virginiana Rubus procerus Galium spp. Pseudotsuga menziesii Rubus ursinus Holcus lanatus Pyrus communis Spiraea betulifolia Hypericum perforatum Pyrus fusca Spiraea douglasii Lathyrus spp. Pyrus malus Symphoricarpos albus Lomatium utriculatum Quercus agrifolia Symphoricarpos mollis Lonicera ciliosa Quercus chrysolepis Symphoricarpos rivularis Lotus micranthus Quercus douglasii Vaccinium ovatum Lupinus spp. Quercus kelloggii Vaccinium parvifolium Melica geyeri Rhamnus purshiana Viburnum ellipticum Mimulus spp. Salix spp. Montia spp. Sambucus cerulea Nemophila heterophylla Taxus brevifolia Osmorhiza spp. Thuja plicata Phacelia linearis Tsuga heterophylla Platyspermum scapigera Umbellularia californica Plectritis spp. Poa pratensis Polystichum munitum Pteridium aquilinum Ranunculus spp. Sanicula crassicaulis Sedum spathulifolium Sherardia arvensis Silene californica Sisyrinchium douglasii Stipa spp. Thysanocarpus curvipes Trifolium tridentatum Vicia americana Viola ocellata Zigadenus venenosus ¹ Sources: 4,10,11,13,20,22,24,28,31,32,35,42,47,54,62,63,67,69,70,71,72,73,75,78 Life History Reproduction and Early Growth Flowering and Fruiting- Oregon white oak flowers somewhat later in the spring than many of its associates. Flowering has been noted in March, April, May, and June (72,74), but the seasonal span is probably greater over the wide range of latitudes and elevations where this species occurs. Flowers appear concurrently with new leaves and extension of twig growth. The species is monoecious, bearing slim, staminate flowers (catkins) that emerge from buds on existing twigs and also appear on the basal end of developing twigs (64). Some catkins associated with new twig growth just originate from the same bud; others are located as much as 5 mm (0.2 in) from the base on new growth. Catkins are pale yellow tinged with green. Fully extended catkins vary greatly in length-in one collection, from 3 to 10 cm (1.2 to 3.9 in). Catkins of the same twig and cluster are in various stages of development-some are fading before others reach full size. The faded dry catkin is light brown and fragile. The closed pistillate flowers are small, deep red, and covered with whitish hairs (64). They appear in axils of developing leaves, either single and sessile or as many as five or six on a short stalk up to 2 cm (0.8 in) long. Two flowers are often located at the base of the stalk and several along and at its tip. Basal flowers may be open while others on the stalk are still tiny and tightly closed. Flower openings are narrow; the interior elements are greenish to yellowish. Flowers were found on new growth that had extended only 1 cm (0.4 in) or up to 12 cm (4.7 in); most flowers were on new growth 4 to 7 cm (1.6 to 2.8 in) long. Flowering appears at its fullest when the first leaves are about half size; when leaves approach full size, catkins are withered. On a single tree, flowering seems to be a short event, perhaps a week long, as leaves develop quickly once growth starts. Individual trees are known to flower abundantly, but observations are needed on the regularity of flowering and on the variability within and between stands and locations. Seed Production and Dissemination- Seed crops may be heavy but are considered irregular. The large acorns, typically about 3 em (1.2 in) long and half as wide, mature in one season and ripen from late August to November. The age when a tree first bears fruit, the age of maximum production, and the average quantity produced have not been determined. In one collecting effort, about 18 kg (40 lb) of acorns per hour could be hand-picked from the ground under woodland trees between Redding and Weaverville, CA. The yield was estimated to be 5 to 9 kg (10 to 20 lb) each for trees 3 to 9 in (10 to 30 ft) tall and 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 in) in diameter; production for this fair crop was about 560 kg/ha (500 lb/acre) (81). Northeast of Mount Shasta, a fair crop the same year yielded about 23 kg (50 lb) of acorns from a single tree 8 in (25 ft) in height and crown spread. In the Willamette Valley, acorns were dispersed from September to November, and three crops ranged from failure to 1737 kg/ha (1,550 lb/acre) ovendry-weight basis (12). Large crops of acorns are also produced by shrubby forms of Oregon white oak, but density of the stands can make collection difficult. The heavy seeds disseminate by gravity only short distances from the tree crowns, except on steep slopes. Local transport is attributed primarily to the food-gathering activities of animals. In the past, Indians-and also pigeons-may have been responsible for long-distance colonization of Oregon white oak (28,71). Seedling Development- Acorns of Oregon white oak must be kept moist until they germinate. In nature, moisture is maintained by a layer of leaves or through shallow insertion into soil from impact, rodent activity, animal trampling, or other soil disturbances. A moisture content of 30 percent or more must be maintained in cool regulated storage to maintain seed viability. Storage conditions have not been determined specifically for Oregon white oak; several methods recommended for keeping seeds moist should be suitable (46,65). The acorns are large and heavy, averaging about 5 g each (85/lb). Viability has been better than 75 percent in the few samples tested (46), but the usual quality of the seeds is unknown. The seeds are not dormant; they will germinate soon after dispersal if subjected to warm, moist conditions. They will also germinate prematurely in low-temperature stratification. Normally, seeds retain viability only until the next growing season; chances of extending the viability period have not been determined. Seedlings of Oregon white oak generally appear in the spring. Germination is hypogeal, and the rapid development of a deep taproot is believed responsible for their ability to establish in grass. Shoot development is relatively slow but can be greatly accelerated with long photoperiods (43). Seedlings are not produced now for forest plantings, but raising them in containers is readily possible. Direct seeding of acorns should also prove successful if seeds and young seedlings are protected from rodents and other predators. In at least some circumstances, natural reproduction from seed seems to occur readily (13,28,35). Vegetative Reproduction- Oregon white oak sprouts abundantly from dormant buds on cut stumps, root collars, and along exposed trunks. Sprouts provide the most certain way to obtain natural regeneration. In 3 years, stump sprouts in 49 clumps in northwestern California averaged 10 per clump; height of the tallest sprout averaged 2.8 in (9.2 ft) and crown diameter per clump 2.5 in (8.2 ft) (52). Larger stumps produced more sprouts, larger clumps, and faster growing shoots. The spread of Oregon white oak by root sprouts has been noted in widely separated instances (28,68,69,70,71,74). In general, the rooting or layering of oak cuttings is difficult, and there is no reason to believe that Oregon white oak would be easier to reproduce by these methods than other oaks. Sapling and Pole Stages to Maturity Growth and Yield- Under favorable conditions, mature Oregon white oak trees are 15 to 27 in (50 to 90 ft) tall and 60 to 100 cm (24 to 40 in) in d.b.h. (34,48,72,73). A maximum height of 36.6 m (120 ft), crown spread of 38.4 in (126 ft), and diameter of 246 cm (97 in) at d.b.h. are on record (2,35). Typically, open-grown trees have short holes bearing very large, crooked branches that form dense, rounded crowns (fig. 3). Such trees occupy much space but do not produce much volume for commercial use, except for fuel. In contrast, forest-grown trees 70 to 90 years old have slim, straight holes, fine side branches, and narrow crowns (60). Trees measured in northwestern California had average form classes of 63 and 68 (34). Branchwood of trees over 60 cm (24 in) in d.b.h. averaged 24 percent of total cubic volume. Trees of better form are probably developing now because young stands are more even aged and better stocked than those in the past, but such stands are limited in extent and widely scattered. Resource inventories of various intensities indicate that the Oregon white oak type occurs on at least 361 400 ha (893,000 acres) in California, Oregon, and Washington and, as a species, comprises 26.2 million in' (926 million ft') or more of growing stock (7,8,9,10,21,25,26,27). As a component of woodland and other vegetation types, Oregon white oak is found on an additional 299 100 ha (739,000 acres) in California and in sizeable, undefined areas in Oregon and Washington. In California, the mean stand growing-stock volume in the type was 76.9 m³/ha (1,099 ft³/acre), and the maximum found was 314.7 m³/ha (4,498 ft³/acre). Oregon white oak generally grows slowly in both height and diameter, but there are exceptions. Limited data from widely separated locations indicate that six to eight rings per centimeter (16 to 20/in) is a common rate for slower growing Oregon white oaks (28,68,72,75). For example, trees in a full stand 47 to 70 years old on deep Willakenzie soil at Corvallis, OR, averaged 14 in (46 ft) in height, 15 cm (6.0 in) in d.b.h., and eight rings per centimeter (20/in) in radial growth (38). Oregon white oak has the capability, however, of growing faster than five rings per centimeter (13/in) (31,48,72,80). In the Cowlitz River Valley, the fastest rate shown on large stumps was 1.9/cm (4.9/in); in the Willamette Valley, the rate averaged 4.6/cm (11.8/in) for four forest-grown trees 95 to 135 years old that averaged 24 in (80 ft) tall and 48 cm (19 in) in d.b.h. Basal area of Oregon white oak stands has ranged from 8.0 to 60.8 m² /ha (35 to 265 ft²/acre), with up to 19.3 m²/ha (84 ft²/acre) additional basal area of other species present. In these and other stands averaging 10 cm (4 in) or more in d.b.h., number of oak stems ranged from 10 to 2,800/ha (4 to 1,133/acre) (1,4,31, 62,69,70,72,75). Volumes for stands on different sites and of different ages are not known. One 80-year-old stand that averaged 160 trees 9 cm (3.6 in) and larger in d.b.h. would yield about 94.5 m³/ha (15 cords/acre) (60). Rooting Habit- Oregon white oak has a deep taproot and a well-developed lateral system; it is very windfirm even in wet areas. Fast taproot extension and sparse development of laterals are shown by seedlings in the first few weeks of growth. Despite formation of a deep taproot, a high percentage of oak roots are found in upper soil layers. Only 11 percent of the total number of oak roots were found below 76 cm (30 in) in deep Willakenzie soil (38). In contrast, 28 percent of the total Douglas-fir roots in the same soil were found below 76 cm (30 in). Reaction to Competition- Oregon white oak has been classed as intermediate in tolerance, intolerant, and very intolerant of shade (47). Perhaps such a range of tolerance best describes its status in different situations. Clearly, it is not tolerant of over-topping by Douglas-fir and associated conifers. Dead oaks often found beneath Douglas-fir canopies bear witness that they could not endure the shade (40,72). In some locations and situations, Oregon white oak perpetuates itself, indicating that it can reproduce adequately in its own shade. Branch development on open-grown trees may be very dense. Sparse development of side branches in closed stands provides evidence, however, that it should be classed as intolerant of shade. Oregon white oak functions as both a seral and a climax species. It is long lived, reproduces from both seeds and sprouts, forms nearly pure stands, and can endure great adversities. In fact, it rates as a climax species because it has greater ability than other species to establish itself and persist where yearly or seasonal precipitation is sparse, where soils are shallow or droughty, or where fire is a repeated natural occurrence. Geologic and floristic evidence indicates that Oregon white oak associations have evolved through successive eras as components of relatively and pine-oak forests, have repeatedly advanced northward from a locus in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, and have repeatedly retreated as North American climates warmed and cooled (16). The most recent northward advance ended about 6,000 years ago; the more and vegetation types, including oak woodlands, are now being replaced by conifer forest favored by the climatic trend toward cooler and moister conditions. The seral role of Oregon white oak is illustrated by major changes occurring in the Willamette Valley. Open oak woodlands, savannas dotted with oaks, and grasslands were prominent and widespread before the territory was settled; fires-natural as well as those set by Indians-maintained these open conditions (30,31,36,44,61). Post-settlement exclusion of fire permitted development of closed-canopy white oak stands that are typically of two ages-large spreading trees, now 270 to 330 years old, are scattered among smaller trees of narrow form, 60 to 150 years old (73). Where not restricted by agricultural practices, young oaks continue to encroach into grassland. But, in turn, many oak stands are being invaded and superseded by bigleaf maples or conifers, mainly Douglas-fir (fig. 4). A similar sequence of events is occurring in the northern oak woodland, a distinctive Oregon white oak type in California (5,51,69). Unless steps are taken to reverse present trends, the Oregon white oak type will continue to become a less prominent part of the western flora. A reduction in species diversity will also occur, for open-canopy communities have a more varied composition than closed conifer communities (13). Damaging Agents- Because of their attractiveness as food, seed crops of Oregon white oak are often decimated quickly (12). Larvae of the filbertworm (Melissopus latiferreanus) and the filbert weevil (Curculio occidentalis) damage crops even before acorns ripen (23). Maturing or ripe acorns are consumed by woodpeckers, pigeons, doves, jays, wood ducks, mice, chipmunks, squirrels, pocket gophers, woodrats, deer, bear, and other wildlife, as well as by domestic animals. Wind, wet snow, and freezing rain damage Oregon white oak less than associated hardwoods, but in tests it showed only moderate resistance to cold. Dormant buds collected northwest of Corvallis, OR, withstood -15° C (5° F) and twigs -20° C (-40 F) without injury (55). Large Oregon white oaks are obviously fire resistant; they have withstood annual or periodic fires for years. But small oaks may be killed or badly damaged by fire, as evidenced by the increased density and spread of oak stands since the advent of fire control. More than 110 pathogens have been found on the leaves, twigs, trunk, or roots of Oregon white oak (59). Most are of minor consequence; many are saprophytes. Leaf-spot, mildew, and anthracnose fungi sometimes attack the foliage, but control methods have been suggested for only one-an anthracnose disease (Gnomonia quercina). In 1968, this fungus caused moderate to severe dying of leaves and possibly death of oak trees in southern Pierce County, WA (14). Premature browning of foliage is occasionally widespread in the Willamette Valley, but the causes and effects have received only incidental attention. The hairy mistletoe is common on Oregon white oak in Oregon and California, forming conspicuous, rounded growths in the upper crown. Its effect on growth and vigor of this host is undetermined. The white pocket root and butt rot (Polyporus dryophilus) and the shoestring root rot (Armillaria mellea) are probably the most damaging rots found in Oregon white oak. Its heartwood is generally very durable; stumps and even relatively small stems may remain intact for years. Although Oregon white oak is host to hundreds of insect species (19), damage is usually not severe, and loss of trees to insect attack is uncommon. The western oak looper (Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria) is probably the most damaging insect on white oak from Oregon north to British Columbia. In some years, oaks over large areas in the Willamette Valley are defoliated (23). The damage is temporary since the trees leaf out the next year and outbreaks are not sustained. The western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californicum) and the Pacific tent caterpillar (M. constrictum) are widely distributed defoliators with a preference for oaks. Several species of aphid, particularly Teberculatus columbiae, feed on the underside of oak leaves; the snowy tree cricket (Oecanthus fultoni) lives in open-grown oaks and associated species; and several leafrollers (Abebaea cervella and Pandemis cerasana) are found on Oregon white oak. Oregon white oak is the principal host for R. cerasana, an introduced leafroller causing sporadic defoliation that is now maintaining a relatively high population and slowly extending its range around Victoria, BC (17). Many gall wasps are found on oaks; those prominent on Oregon white oak include Andricus californicus, which forms large, persistent, applelike galls on twigs; Bassettia ligni, which causes seedlike galls under the bark of branches that often girdle and kill the branch; Besbicus mirabilis, which forms mottled, spherical galls on the underside of leaves; and Neuroterus saltatorius, which forms mustard-seed-like galls on lower leaf surfaces that drop in the fall and jump around like Mexican jumping beans caused by activity of the enclosed larvae (18,23). Only incidental damage by animals has been noted on vegetative parts of Oregon white oak. Douglas squirrels and western gray squirrels sometimes debark small branches infested by gall wasp larvae (64). Damage is scattered and may involve as much as one-fourth of a tree's crown. Gophers and other burrowing animals, which are abundant on forest borders, damage some roots. Livestock inflict some trampling and feeding damage on young oaks. Special Uses The wood of Oregon white oak is dense, with specific gravity ranging from 0.52 to 0.88 when ovendry (66), has moderate strength in static bending tests, but does not absorb shocks well (47). It rates high in compression and shear strength and is outstanding among 20 northwestern woods in tension and side hardness tests (47). The heartwood is at least as durable as that of white oak (Quercus alba) (58). Pallets made from Oregon white oak compare favorably in strength with those made from other species (66) and are higher in withdrawal resistance for nails or staples (41). Specialty items, fenceposts, and fuel are now the primary uses of Oregon white oak. The wood is considered one of the best fuels for home heating and commands top prices. It has been used for flooring, interior finish, furniture, cooperage staves, cabinet stock, insulator pins, woodenware, novelties, baskets, handle stock, felling wedges, agricultural implements, vehicles, and ship construction (60). Consumption of Oregon white oak totaled 12 454 m³ (2,185,000 fbm) exclusive of fuel in 1910 but has since declined (60). Although Oregon white oak is not grown commercially for landscape purposes, scattered native trees, groves, and open stands are highly valued scenic assets in wildland, farm, park, and urban areas (35,42,49,56). Mistletoe is a scenic growth on Oregon white oaks that is collected and sold as a decorative and festive minor product. Until recent times, meal or mush made from acorns of many oaks (including Oregon white oak) was a common Indian food (35,71,81). When crops were heavy, white oak acorns were also gathered and stored by local ranchers for feed, mainly for hogs. Livestock forage for acorns and prefer those of white oaks to black oaks (81). The leaves have a protein content of 5 to 14 percent (35,56), and Oregon white oak is rated as good to fair browse for deer but poor for domestic livestock. Oregon white oak woodlands and forests provide favorable habitat for wildlife (6) and also produce substantial amounts of forage for sheep and cattle (33). Infrequently, cattle are poisoned by foraging on oak; one instance involving Oregon white oak has been documented (37). Oak-dominated forests in the western part of the Willamette Valley in Oregon have a higher diversity of birds in all seasons than adjacent conifer forests (3). Oregon white oak and ponderosa pine-Oregon white oak associations are preferred brood habitats for Merriam's wild turkey in south-central Washington (39). Greenhouse experiments have shown that Oregon white oak is a good host for the gourmet truffle, Tuber melanosporum (43). The feasibility of managing Oregon white oak stands for truffle production, as many oak stands are managed in Europe, is being investigated. Genetics Though Oregon white oak populations in Washington are disjunct and scattered, the chemical and morphological characteristics of their foliage are similar (71). Genetic differences appear so minor that seed distribution from a common source by Indians has been postulated. Ecotypic variation was observed in top and root growth of young seedlings from seed collections made from Corvallis, OR, southward (43). First-year seedlings from northern sources were taller and heavier. Quercus garryana hybridizes naturally with four other oaks. Quercus x subconvexa Tucker (Q. durata x garryana), a small tree found in Santa Clara and Marin Counties, CA, is noteworthy because of its morphologically dissimilar parents-Q. garryana is a deciduous tree, Q. durata an evergreen shrub, and the hybrid is tardily deciduous (74). Quercus x howellii Tucker (Q. dumosa x garryana) is also a small tree found in Marin County and a hybrid between a deciduous tree and an evergreen or tardily deciduous shrub or tree. Quercus x eplingii C. H. Muller (Q. douglasii x garryana), a tree with deciduous leaves, is found in Lake and Sonoma Counties, CA (75). Hybrids between Q. garryana and Q. lobata are also found in Sonoma County (4). Literature Cited 1. Allwine, G., B. Lamb, and H. Westberg. 1985. Application of atmospheric tracer techniques for determining biogenic hydrocarbon fluxes from an oak forest. p. 361-382. In Hutchison, B. A., and B. B. Hicks, eds. The Forest Atmosphere Interaction: Proceedings of the Forest Environmental Measurements Conference, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 13-28, 1983. D. Reidel Publishing Company. 2. American Forestry Association. 1945. Report on American big trees. American Forests 51(l):30-36. 3. Anderson, Stanley H. 1972. Seasonal variations in forest birds of western Oregon. Northwest Science 46(3):194-206. 4. Barnhardt, Stephen J. 1981. Personal correspondence. Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA. 5. Barnhardt, Stephen J., Joe R. McBride, Carla Cicero, Paul da Silva, and Peter Warner. 1987. Vegetation dynamics of the northern oak woodland. p. 53-58. Plumb, Timothy R., and Norman H. Pillsbury, tech. coords. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiple-Use Management of California's Hardwood Resources, November 12-14, 1986, San Luis Obispo, California. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report PSW-100. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, CA. 6. Barrett, Reginald H. 1980. Mammals of California oak habitats-Management implications. p. 275-291. Plumb, Timothy R., tech. coord. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the Ecology, Management, and Utilization of California oaks, June 26-28, 1979, Claremont, California. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report PSW-44. 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In Federal Research Natural Areas in Oregon and Washington: a guidebook for scientists and educators. p. ML-1 to ML-4. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR. 33. Hall, F. C., D. W. Hedrick, and R. F. Keniston. 1959. Grazing and Douglas-fir establishment in the Oregon white oak type. Journal of Forestry 57(2):98-103. 34. Hornibrook, E. M., R. W. Larson, J. J. Van Akkeren, and A. A. Hasel. 1950. Board-foot and cubic-foot volume tables for some California hardwoods. USDA Forest Service, Forest Research Notes 67. California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley. 31 p. 35. Jepson, Willis Linn. 1910. The silva of California. Memoirs of the University of California. vol. 2. The University Press, Berkeley. 480 p. 36. Johannessen, Carl L., William A. Davenport, Artimus Millet, and Steven McWilliams. 1971. The vegetation of the Willamette Valley. Association of American Geographers, Annals 61(2):286-302. 37. Kasari, Thomas R., Erwin G. Pearson, and Bruce D. Hultgren. 1986. Oak (Quercus garryana) poisoning of range cattle in southern Oregon. The Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 8(9):Fl7-18, 20-22,24,29. 38. Krygier, James T. 1971. Project completion report on comparative water loss of Douglas-fir and Oregon white oak. Oregon State University Water Resources Research Institute and School of Forestry, Corvallis. 135 p. 39. Mackey, Dennis L. 1986. Brood habitat of Merriam's turkeys in south-central Washington. Northwest Science 60(2):108-112. 40. McCulloch, W. F. 1940. Oregon oak-tree of conflict. American Forests 46(6):264-266, 286, 288. 41. McLain, Thomas E., and E. George Stern. 1978. Withdrawal resistance of pallet nails and staples in five western woods. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Wood Research and Wood Construction Laboratory, Report 155. Blacksburg. 11 p. 42. McMinn, R. G., S. Eis, H. E. Hirvonen, and others. 1976. Native vegetation in British Columbia's capital region. Canadian Forestry Service, Report BC-X-140. Victoria, BC. 18 p. 43. Michaels, Thomas J. 1981. Personal communication. Oregon State University, Corvallis. 44. Morris, William G. 1934. Forest fires in western Oregon and western Washington. Oregon Historical Quarterly 35(4):313339. 45. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1979. Climatological data, 1979 annual summary, 83(13) California, 85(13) Oregon, 83(13) Washington. National Climatic Center, Asheville, NC. 46. Olson, David F., Jr. 1974. Quercus L. Oak. In Seeds of woody plants in the United States. p. 692-703. C. S. Schopmeyer, tech. coord. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 450. Washington, DC. 47. Packee, Edmond Charles. 1976. An ecological approach toward yield optimization through species allocation. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Minnesota. St. Paul. 740 p. 48. Patillo, Greg. 1981. Personal correspondence. Silvaseed Co., Roy, WA. 49. Peattie, Donald Culross. 1953. A natural history of western trees. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA. 751 p. 50. Peck, Morton Eaton. 1941. A manual of the higher plants of Oregon. Binfords and Mort, Portland, OR. 866 p. 51. Reed, Lois J., and Neil G. Sugihara. 1987. Northern oak woodlands-ecosystem in jeopardy or is it already too late? p. 59-63. In Plumb, Timothy R., and Norman H. Pillsbury, tech. coords. Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiple-Use Management of California's Hardwood Resources, November 12-14, 1986, San Luis Obispo, California. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report PSW-100. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, CA. 462 p. 52. Roy, D. F. 1955. Hardwood sprout measurements In northwestern California. USDA Forest Service, Forest Research Notes 95. California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley. 6 p. 53. Ruffner, James A. 1978. Climates of the States. vols. 1 and 2, sections for California, Oregon, and Washington. Gale Research Company, Detroit, MI. 54. Saenz, Loretta, and J. 0. Sawyer, Jr. 1986. Grasslands as compared to adjacent Quercus garryana woodland understories exposed to different grazing regimes. Madrono 33(1):40-46. 55. Sakai, A., and C. J. Weiser. 1973. Freezing resistance of trees in North America with reference to tree regions. Ecology 54(l):118-126. 56. Sampson, Arthur W., and Beryl S. Jespersen. 1963, California range brushlands and browse plants. University of California Extension Service, Manual 33. Berkeley. 162 p. 57. Sargent, Charles Sprague. 1895. The silva of North America. vol. 8. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA. 190 p. 58. Scheffer, Theodore C., George H. Englerth, and Catherine G. Duncan. 1949. Decay resistance of seven native oaks. Journal of Agricultural Research 78(5/6):129-152. 59. Shaw, Charles Gardener. 1973. Host fungus index for the Pacific Northwest-1. Hosts. Washington Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 765. Pullman. 121 p. 60. Silen, Roy R. 1958. Silvical characteristics of Oregon white oak. USDA Forest Service, Silvical Series 10. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR. 13 p. 61. Smith, John E. 1949. Natural vegetation in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Science 109(2820):41-42. 62. Smith, Winston Paul. 1985. Plant associations within the interior valleys of the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon. Journal of Range Management 38(6):526-530. 63. Sprague, F. LeRoy, and Henry P. Hansen. 1946. Forest succession in the McDonald Forest, Willamette Valley, Oregon. Northwest Science 20(4):89-98. 64. Stein, William 1. 1981. Personal observations. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Corvallis, OR. 65. Stein, William I., Paul E. Slabaugh, and A. Perry Plummer. 1974. Chapter V. Harvesting, processing, and storage of fruits and seeds. In Seeds of woody plants in the United States. p. 98-125. C. S. Schopmeyer, tech. coord. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 450. Washington, DC. 66. Stern, E. George. 1978. Performance of warehouse and exchange pallets made of six western woods. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Wood Research and Wood Construction Laboratory, Report 156. Blacksburg. 48 p. 67. Stoutamire, Warren Petrie. 1951. The deciduous oak woodland association of the Pacific Northwest. Thesis (M.S.), University of Oregon, Eugene. 25 p. 68. Sudworth, George B. 1908. Forest trees of the Pacific slope. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. 441 p. 69. Sugihara, Neil G., and Lois J. Reed. 1987. Prescribed fire for restoration and maintenance of Bald Hills oak woodlands. p. 446-451. In Plumb, Timothy R., and Norman H. Pillsbury, tech. coords. Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiple-Use Management of California's Hardwood Resources, November 12-14, 1986, San Luis Obispo, California. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report PSW-100. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, CA. 462 p. 70. Sugihara, Neil G., Lois J. Reed, and James M. Lenihan. 1987. Vegetation of the Bald Hills oak woodlands, Redwood National Park, California. Madrohño 34(3):193-208. 71. Taylor, Ronald J., and Theodore R. Boss. 1975. Biosystematics of Quercus garryana in relation to its distribution in the State of Washington. Northwest Science 49(2):49-57. 72. Thilenius, John Fredrick. 1964. Synecology of the white-oak Quercus garryana Douglas) woodlands of the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Thesis (Ph.D.), Oregon State University, Corvallis. 151 p. 73. Thilenius, John F. 1968. The Quercus garryana forests of the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Ecology 49(6):1124-1133. 74. Tucker, John M. 1953. Two new oak hybrids from California. Madroño 12(4):119-127. 75. Tunison, John Timothy. 1973. A synecological study of the oak-dominated communities of Bennett Mountain, Sonoma County, California. Thesis (M.A.), California State College-Sonoma, Rohnert Park. 143 p. 76. Twisselmann, Ernest C. 1967. A flora of Kern County, California. The Wasmarm Journal of Biology 25(1 & 2):1-395. 77. U.S. Department of Commerce. 1964. Climatic summary of the United States-supplement for 1951 through 1960. Climatography of the United States. 86-4, California; 86-31, Oregon; 86-39, Washington. Washington, DC. 78. Waring, R. H., and J. Major. 1964. Some vegetation of the California coastal redwood region in relation to gradients of moisture, nutrients, light, and temperature. Ecological Monographs 34(2):167-215. 79. Whittaker, R. H. 1960. Vegetation of the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon and California. Ecological Monographs 30(3):279-338. 80. Witt, Joseph A. 1979. Ancient madrona and a stand of Garry oaks in Seattle. University of Washington Arboretum Bulletin 42(l):8-10. 81. Wolf, Carl B. 1945. California wild tree crops. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Santa Ana Cañon, Orange County, CA. 66 p. From URL: =============================== Home:Groups:Events:Volunteer Postings:Contact:Links:Vision:Login Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society Organization Mandate The Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society (GOMPS) formed in 1992 because local citizens were concerned that woodlands and meadows were rapidly disappearing as a result of development in the Capital Regional District. The society is dedicated to the preservation, protection and restoration of Garry oak stands and their natural habitats. We engage in educational activities, lobby all levels of government through letter writing and attending council meetings and public hearings, and we work on habitat restoration. The society is authorized by the Ministry of the Environment to hold conservation covenants. We welcome your interest and your becoming a member Locations The Society is active in all places in Canada where Garry Oaks are growing but primarily in the Capital Region District and the East coast of Vancouver Island. Current Activities and Projects Seven members involved with the production of the document "Recovery Strategy of Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems and Species at risk in Canada".Two directors at the roundtable for the "Management Plan for Beacon Hill Park"Continuously consulting with city planners at locations of land developments. Keywords: Garry Oak,EDUCATION/ COMMUNICATION/ PUBLIC, HABITAT RESTORATION, ECOSYSTEM INVENTORIES, MONITORING and HABITAT PROTECTION, SPECIES INVENTORY, COVENANTS, STEWARDSHIP, PLANNING AND PARTNERSHIP, ECOLOGICAL STUDIES, LAND ACQUISITION, REHABILITATION, STUDENTS/YOUTH, NATURAL HISTORY, FIRST NATIONS, SCHOOLS, NATIVE PLANTS, Completed Activities and Projects We have completed a tree by tree inventory of all Garry Oaks and their exact locations in Victoria, Oak Bay, Esquimalt and the urban areas of Saanich. This data and maps has been supplied to the relevant municipalities to aid in their planning processes. Fundraising Initiatives We are currently seeking funding for the implemtation of the activities described in the recently released document "Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and their Associated Ecosystems and Species at Risk in Canada" Partners Wildlife Branch of the BC Environment DepartmentRoyal BC MuseumUniversity of VictoriaConservation Data CentreVictoria Natural History SocietyFairfield Community Association Publications 1993 Colloquium Proceedings on the Garry Oak Ecosystems Available in electronic format by request. Poster of Garry Oak meadow $10.oo includes shipping 15 inch by 23 inch All past issues of our newsletter will soon be available for download in PDF format. Volunteers Required Communications skills for presentations to city councils and planning departments.Fund raising skills. Suite A 954 Queens Avenue Victoria, BC V8T 1M6 Phone: 250-383-3427 Email: Website: Main Contact Hal Gibbard President Phone: 250-383-3427 Email: Secondary Contact Tom Gillespie Treasurer Phone: 250-383-3427 Email: Copyright 2006 Habitat Acquisition Trust This site was developed by Habitat Acquisition Trust, the regional land trust for the Capital Regional District. Design and Hosting: WebBloom Designs Inc. ==================================== GORP - Garry Oak Restoration Project, Saanich, Canada ~ An Initiative of the Municipality of Saanich ~ In Canada, Garry oak ecosystems are only found on southeastern Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and two small patches in the lower Fraser Valley. The Garry Oak Restoration Project (GORP) is an ecological restoration and and education program with nine restoration sites on municipal parklands. Following a "living laboratory" approach, remnants of Garry oak ecosystems on land owned by Saanich have been developed into restoration demonstration sites to provide opportunities for community stewardship, preservation and education. The Garry Oak Restoration Project supports community building and partnerships, concerning endangered Garry oak ecosystems, through participation in the GORP sites and through support of similar efforts. The Garry Oak Restoration Project is managed by the Municipality of Saanich and through support provided by sponsor organizations on the Steering Committee. Committee Members: Carolyn MacDonald, Chair Environmental Education Officer Cory Manton , Urban Forestry, Horticulture & Natural Areas Manager Saanich Parks and Recreation Val Schaefer UVic Restoration of Natural Systems Program Brenda Beckwith UVic School of Environmental Studies Hal Gibbard Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society Jenny Eastman, Coordinator of Volunteers GORP Consultant John Henigman Victoria Natural History Society =================================== GORP - Ecosystems THE GARRY OAK ECOSYSTEM: QUICK FACTS Why is this ecosystem important? The Garry oak tree is an important part of an ecosystem that occurs on southeastern Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and two tiny patches in the lower Fraser Valley. It is found nowhere else in Canada. Garry oak ecosystems stretch along the west coast of North America as far south as California. The Canadian portion is geographically, genetically and ecologically important because it occurs at the extreme northern limits of this distribution. The Garry oak ecosystem is ranked as one of the three most endangered ecosystems in Canada. Less than 1% of the original area of this exceptional ecosystem remains in a natural condition. Over 20% of the remaining area is likely to be lost in the next decade, mostly due to urban development. Spectacular spring wildflower displays, including blooms of the blue camas, white fawn lily, and the yellow western buttercup are a hallmark of the ecosystems. Garry oak ecosystems support more than 100 rare and endangered plants and animals within Canada. Some species, including Lobb's water-buttercup, the Island marble butterfly, Lewis' Woodpecker and the Western Bluebird have already been lost. For more information see the Conservation Data Centre's web page at Garry oak ecosystems are an important part of the cultural heritage of British Columbia. First Nations peoples tended them with fire and cultivation, and depended on the bulbs of the camas flower as a staple food. As global warming progresses, Garry oak trees and other plants of the Garry oak ecosystems may become increasingly important within the landscape of British Columbia. Ecosystems such as Douglas-fir forests may be replaced by Garry oak and associated ecosystems that are well adapted to a warm climate and extended drought. What are the threats to this ecosystem? Urban development is the greatest threat to this ecosystem, and oak trees lost to urbanization are not being replaced. Mowing, fertilizing, watering, and other gardening-type treatments of Garry oak ecosystems damage oak seedlings as well as other natural vegetation. For more information contact: Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society Phone: (250) 475-2024 Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team Phone: (250) 383-3293 Introduced plant and animal species stress and threaten the oak and other native species. Pests such as the oak leaf phylloxera and introduced plants such as Scotch broom and orchard grass have stressed the ecosystem. Garry oak ecosystems are adapted to fire, and since we have suppressed fire the ecosystems are changing. In many places, Douglas-fir trees and snowberry shrubs are starting to shade out indigenous plant species of the Garry oak meadow. More Information on Garry Oak Ecosystems: Garry Oak Ecosystems Fact Sheet: GOERT ( pdf - 117 KB; pdf handout of this webpage ) ============================= GORP - Inventory and Monitoring Monitoring and Inventories Monitoring and inventories of GORP sites are very important for planning and management of these restoration sites. Monitoring of the sites will be taking place through two methods: Photopoint Monitoring will provide seasonal/ annual images that are standardized and imbedded with key information about the site and image. A series of precise photos will provide valuable records as well as qualitative and quantitative information about the status of restoration on each site. This monitoring technique will take place with the help of trained volunteers. Photopoint Monitoring Brochure ( pdf format, 108K ) Volunteer Stewards of GORP sites provide monitoring information through field log forms, including notes about flora, fauna and anything affecting restoration on the sites. Inventories of the sites are also very important, especially for planning purposes. Ideally, these inventories will be updated as funding allows. Three inventories of the GORP sites have been conducted: Vegetation Inventory conducted by RNS (Restoration of Natural Systems) students, Fran Spencer and Derek Bedford. An Inventory and Description of Garry Oak Restoration Project Sites, July 2001 Soil Inventory conducted by Bob Maxwell and RNS student, Moss Gleason (spring 2002) Wildlife Inventory conducted by RNS students Moralea Milne and Candus McLellan (spring 2002) New individual site inventory lists are currently under development. ======================= GORP - Links Links for Garry Oak Ecosystems Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team (GOERT) The Land Conservancy (TLC) The Nature Conservancy of Canada, BC Region (NCC) Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) Conservation Data Centre Conservation Connection (CRD) Society for Ecological Restoration, BC Chapter Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary Sponsor Links for the Garry Oak Restoration Project Municipality of Saanich Environment Canada, Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative U Vic, School of Environmental Studies (access to the Restoration of Natural Systems Program) =========================== GOERT: Gardening & Restoration: The Garry Oak Gardener's Handbook The Garry Oak Gardeners Handbook I recently came across the Garry Oak Gardeners Handbook, and what great timing, as I am in the process of converting my front yard into a native plant garden and was just starting the detailed plan to figure out what to plant where. This book has done most of the work for me. What a fantastic resource!Jody Watson, CRD Harbours & Watershed Coordinator I just received your wonderful publication yesterday and have already read it cover-to-cover. I now feel so encouraged instead of defeated by our rocky, exposed, broom-ridden slope, I can't wait to get going! Mary Anne Crossman, Galiano Island resident It's here! The expanded second edition of The Garry Oak Gardeners Handbook: Nurturing Native Plant Habitat in Garry Oak Communities is free to download (PDF 9MB). We've kept the same great designs for Garry oak meadows, woodlands, rock outcrops and container gardens, and we've added tips for attracting pollinators and removing invasive plants. You'll also find tips on planning your native plant garden, acquiring plants, mulching, caring for Garry oak trees, dealing with deer and more all with full-colour photos and plan drawings. Request a print copy by clicking on 'donate now' below, OR by emailing, OR by calling 250-383-3427. Want a copy of the Gardeners Handbook? Download it for free in PDF (9MB) and/or have a print copy mailed to you by making a $15 minimum donation to GOERT. Donate now. To learn more about growing native plants, see our propagation guidelines. Many reasons to become a Garry oak gardener Establishing or restoring Garry oak habitat takes work some research, some planning and some getting your hands dirty. But it is also highly rewarding: help conserve Canadas natural heritage and create a healthy environment for your children and grandchildren by helping to bring back diversity of life to your neighbourhood enjoy the beauty of your habitats attractive wildflowers, butterflies, mosses and birds save on your water bills by replacing water-hungry lawns and ornamental gardens with water-thrifty native plants. Youll also conserve precious water resources once the plants have become established save on your winter heating costs with well-placed trees for windbreaks save on summer air conditioning costs using shade from trees eliminate the need for harmful chemical fertilizers and herbicides by using native plants watch your property values grow as trees mature and your easy-care native garden becomes more highly regarded observe and learn from the fascinating diversity of life in your own backyard improve your health from gardening and working in your yard experience great satisfaction in your work reduce maintenance chores such as mowing lawns, watering and replacing short-lived ornamental plants When many people in an area choose to protect and restore Garry oak habitats, the benefits are even greater. Neighbourhoods with lots of greenspace are known to have lower turnover, creating a greater sense of community. And, when the time comes to sell, these properties usually sell very quickly and at higher prices. Natural areas also help to clean the air and water, and reduce flooding. Spread the word! Let others know what you are doing and why it is so important. install interpretive signs at the edge of the property so that people will know what you are doing talk to your neighbours. If you can get them interested, they may offer to help! if you are willing, you could offer tours to local naturalist and garden clubs, schools and other interested individuals. Alien Invaders Invasive species such as Daphne laureola may be lurking in your garden. There are alien invaders lurking in residential gardens. Did you know that the poisonous plant, Daphne laureola, or spurge laurel, is often mistaken for rhododendron? Check your yard for this plant and remove it with caution. See the WorkSafe BC Toxic Plant Warning. There are many more invasive plants that can harm Garry oak habitat, including English ivy, Scotch broom, English holly and Himalayan blackberry. Read more about invasive plants. Design Plans and Plant Lists Design plan for container garden from The Garry Oak Gardener's Handbook. Container size: 2' x 3' by 2' deep (0.6m x 0.9m by 0.6m deep). (illustration by Kathy Dunster) Plant list for the above illustration Vine A Western trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa) 1 plant Herbaceous plants B Broad-leaved stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium) 2 plants C Common camas (Camassia quamash) 10 bulbs D Chocolate lily (Fritillaria affinis) also known as F. lanceolata 6 bulbs or plants E Nodding onion (Allium cernuum) 6 bulbs F Spring-gold (Lomatium utriculatum) 3 plants G Broad-leaved shootingstar (Dodecatheon hendersonii) 2 plants H Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) 2 plants I Satinflower (Sisyrinchium douglasii) 2 plants J White fawn lily (Erythronium oregonum) 1 plant K Menzies larkspur (Delphinium menziesii) 1 plant L Tiger lily (Lilium columbianum) 1 plant Even apartment-dwellers can have a Garry oak garden! This design is scaled down to fit a balcony container and includes some of our favourite wildflowers that naturally occur in Garry oak meadows. Weve made room in one corner of the planter for a honeysuckle that can be trained along the balcony railing and could attract a few hummingbirds. You could just as easily grow the honeysuckle in a separate planter. Let the stonecrop spill over the side of the container. We show a few plants in some cases to help fill out the space a little faster. Remember that the plants will grow and need dividing so dont try to cram too many plants into the container to begin with. The trick to keeping a container garden healthy is to thin and divide the plants every few years. If you can only find or afford a single chocolate lily, start with one and divide the bulbs after it has flowered for a few years. Some plants such as nodding onion will reproduce and spread from seed. In the spring look around your plants for little onion shoots. Carefully lift the tiny bulbs without harming the roots and transplant them into a small pot. When they have grown a bit larger you can transplant them into a new space or trade with other native plant gardeners. The Garry Oak Gardeners Handbook provides design plans and plant lists for: Garry Oak Meadows Woodlands Containers Rock Outcrops Moist-soil Gardens Pond Edges & Wet Areas Hedgerows Shrub Thickets Butterfly Gardens Green Roofs Learning Gardens & Schoolyards Request a print copy by sending an email to or by calling 250-383-3427. ========================== GOERT: Gardening & Restoration: Restoration Projects & Places to Visit: USA Sites in Washington State Waldron Island Preserve (The Nature Conservancy) Cowlitz Bay, Waldron Island This site features 487 acres (2 preserves) in the San Juans that include oak woodlands with a degraded understorey. Contact Peter Dunwiddie | (206) 343-4345 ext.342 | Yellow Island (The Nature Conservancy) In the San Juan archipelago in Puget Sound, between Orcas and San Juan Islands This site is an 11 acre island in the San Juans that has been undergoing restoration and fire management for more than 20 years. Contact Peter Dunwiddie | (206) 343-4345 ext.342 | Contact your neighbourhood association, local land trust or naturalist group for additional projects near you. Add your project to this list! This is a growing list of Garry oak ecosystems sites undergoing ecological restoration. Suggest an addition or correction. ========================